instruments are standard tuning, with a capo on the 1st fret of the acoustic guitar.
b was created using the following software: Guitar Pro 5.2 Amazing Slow Downer 3.2.3 2
ab has NOT been optimised to be played back0 /with RSE - if you use RSE you may need to tweak8 7the
me levels etc. to suit your own
ware/taste. Update His
, +===========================================# "---------------------------------- [ 27th October 200
"---------------------------------- * Tab com
d , +=========================================== An-ge-l cried last ni-ght it was some-thing i
dre-ams Car-ving pic-tures on her bed-room wa-ll She won-ders what it me-ans but gets b-y in-sid-e by say-in
s no-t r-eal There's no re-ason to con-fuse my-sel-f no mat-ter what it se-ems An-g-el lied last ni-gh
am-pu-tate her fe-ars With no ques-tion she ex-humes her-sel-f from poss-i-bil-i-t-i-e-s Close you-r eye-s it's fi-
say-ing i-t's not real There's no re-ason to for-give my-sel-f no mat-ter what it serms If I could gro-w so
n-gs I'd fly aw-a-y home d Ò ) d ÿ
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