this is the segovia version of the variations of
guardame las vacas as published by graham wade
and gerard garno in "segovia -his llife his music" and it
consists of the main theme of the romanesca
"guardame las vacas" which was a very popular
spanish tune of the 16th century and the 7 seven
variations written by de narvaez for the vihuela in his
groundbreaking book "los seys..",which were later
transcribed, normally, for guitar by a number of
guitarists , the most important of all being, of
course, segovia.i have transposed the edition above
mentioned into tab with all the notations which appear
and all the tempo changes, but i have not arranged
the variations in any way-that's up to u to arrange as a long as u know how and whhy u arrange
them in a manner or another..i strongly suggest u read
a little about how different arragements of the score
were made in time, especially segovia's and get hold of
some recordings of the piece before u start playing it,
otherwise u'll learn it superficially.there are layternate
ways u can play certain measures from different point
of views but again that's left up to u as a player.note
that segovia for example skipped a couple of
variations sometimes when playing the song or ised
slurs instead of staccatos and sometimes modified the
tempo for different reasons affecting the economy and
the song, whereas others empyrically changed the
order of the variations when playing, so be attentif if u
want to do a fine job playing this song, which is
otherwise, or appears to be better said, relatively
simple also because the tempo is relatively free...thats
about it :).enjoy the spirit of music but do
it as it should be done