A flash in the night, a jour-ney through time the Tem-plars are back on the streets Guar-ded by prowess and the will to sur-vive all led by the gui-ding light
of mer-cy, guar-di-ans of time Shack-led and chained through the e-ter-nal flame the ham-mer will sl
rise Hee-ding The Call, one and for all ne-ver sur-ren-der, with glo-ry we´ll fall Bro-thers u-nite, let´s stand up
t ful-fil-ling our fate, we are Hee-ding The Call One step a-head, re-vea-ling the past u-ni-ted,
her we stand The call of the thun-der, the sign to be-gin this fin-al cru-sade we will win An-gels