Legato is a technique that let us to play more than one
note in the same string with each "hit" of our right
hand. We´ll get this by using Hammer-on and Pull-off
techniques. It is mainly to be played with distortion,
because without it the notes do not sound so much.
First of all, we´ll practise legato with A Major scale (you
only have to change the position to use any other key),
using three notes in each string from sixth to first
(remember that you MUST play the three notes in the
same string with only one "hit" to the string, using
"Hammer-on" and "Pull-off", so 1 hit = 3 notes).
Then, once dominated with both the "hammer-on" and
the "pull-off" techniques, we´ll see some (five)
exercises to use this. "H" means Hammer-on and "P"
means Pull-off. In the exercises we´ll play sometimes
more than three notes on the same string.
In the "Fingering" track, you have all the same
exercises but including the fingering over the tablature
(you know, from 1 = index to 4 = pinky).
In the Exercise 3, you can choose between "4" on
4th string or "9" on 5th string. They are the same note
at all, but the sequence with the "4" on 4th string it´s
very very difficult.
Because Legato is an advanced technique, you may
find hard to play some sequences, so it would be good
if you could ask someone for some advices: for
example, in Exercise 5, the begining is really easier if
you don´t keep you index finger on 5 while playing 9
and 10. Play 5 and then let your hand "jump" to be
confortable to play 9 and 10 with fingers 3 and 4.
Make this all as slow as you need, but remember that
you must keep a constant tempo throught all the
exercise to get good results. When you can play it
easily and in a constant tempo, try faster, and so on.
If you do not know what "Hammer-on" or "Pull-off" is
don´t worry, it´s not necesary know the meaning to
understand these exercises, although you will be using
them without knowing ;) I may add some "Hammer-on"
and "Pull-off" exercises in the future.
To find other exercises related with this one, look for
"Tapping Exercises", that I should have uploaded
already in the same section that this one.
Comments are welcome ;)
Hope you enjoy it!