So far, this is about as accurate as I can get it, and any
corrections would be more than welcome, particularly
with some of the tempos. This tab is based upon Tom
Morello's guitar magazine article, where he posted his
own tabs for the main riff, including the tempo. I tabbed
the other tempos by playing the midi over the real song
to see if I could find one that mirrored it at all closely.
So when it hits the solo area of the song, that's where I
got a bit lost, but it's close.
I'm confident enough to say that this is now the most
accurate tab of this song that I have seen, but many
thanks to the creator of the prototype tab, alvaro°°°°°,
who lay the groundwork for my version, especially with
the drums.
Notes: The intro/verse riff uses a sweeping filter effect
that I can't for the life of me synthesise accurately on
here, but I have settled with a kind of effects-free
substitute version. When playing, a more obtainable
alternative is to use a Wah Wah as a sweeping filter
(much like the pre-solo in Guerilla Radio).
For the trademark riff, I find it's a LOT easier for a less
experienced guitarist to play the Jimi Hendrix chord as
(x5x56x), using the index, middle and ring finger for the
respective frets. It doesn't quite have the same punch,
but it's pretty darned close, give it a go if you're having
trouble with the (x5456x) version.
For the first part of the solo, I'm not sure what Tom
does, but I tend to use a wah wah to get the right
sound. For the second part, a Wah Wah is obligatory.
Tom takes his guitar lead out, presses it against the
metal parts of his guitar, and uses the wah wah, in
combination with removing and touching his lead, to
make the desired sound. However, when I play it (as
shown in this tab) I play it as a chord, which is actually
very close to the real thing.