time of tab: 3:15
ok, a few things i've noticed while making this tab, but
didn't correct:
**the "guitar1" part during the chorus, may be
harmonized an octave lower by another guitar. i'm not
sure, but that might be one thing i'll have to change in
the future.
**the tuning may be a step lower. during the second
bar of the chorus the chord should drop from C#5 to
A#5. but since the lowest note on the guitar is C (with
the tuning that its in) this cannot work. so i put the fifths
of the chord without the root (A#). i changed the bass
to a 5-string and lowered the fifth string half a step to
make the lowest note A# and used that in the chorus.
now i dont know if in flames recorded the song a whole
step lower than their usual tuning just for one chord, so
i left it in their normal tuning and left out the root note of
the one chord.
whew. ok, now that those are done. i think thats it.