en to the song on Arckanums myspace or youtube to get the right rhythm
is Drop D not Open C, although it is also 2 1possible, but I like Drop D more for Black Metal. 7 6Not
sure for the notes to play and
the speed. ; :As for the
line I will maybe do it later, by now I'm 9 8not sure which Gui
o follow, it sounds fine on both 0 /lines. If you want to work it out please do so.4 3Drums are not really nece
as you will get the 9 8rhythm from the track itself, and frankly speaking, I'm 8 7not satisfied with the drum
nds (drumset 14 is OK) on GP5 so I left it out. * )Worked it out after a txt file tabbed by " !Pricor
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