E-ros-and-Tha-na-tos-are-bran-ches-on-the-same-old-tree Roo-ted-in-the-soil-of-sha-dow-and-light If-God-was-se-pa-ra-ted-from-the-dark-twin,-the-De-vil Could-he-e-ver-know-the-soul-of-man-kind? W
new God called A-bra-xas En-ter the Ple-ro-ma and see that no-thing-ness is all And you must des-troy a wor
born Al-pha and O-me-ga are the be-gi-ning and the end U-ni-ted in the shape of A-bra-xas Yeah! Dark-ness
light Ser-mo-nes ad Mor-to-us, emp-ty full-ness A-bra-xas, your word is a ri-ddle to be solved You bear the mark
And you are fight-ing-like a bird To free you from the egg, the egg is all the world The Ser-m