ks to Egor Krainov's ( ) help in correcting perttu's lead line.
The most credit goes to my brother, Afshin. 6 5He's a cello player. I just modified drums,pans, and
parts here and there. This song has 4 versions:8 71- the original Finnish version which is instrumental
called Quutamo.5 42- the German version with vocals called 'Wie Weit' 4 3performed by Marta Jan
(the female singer of a ! German band called 'Die Happy').5 43- the English version with vocal
led 'How Far' " !again performed by Marta Jandova.3 24- The French version with vocals called 'En Vie' & %pe
ed by Emmanuelle Monet (Manu).8 7In the versions with vocals, the female vocalists sing , +almost Perttu's li
tes here in Quutamo. Ø d ÿ %TITLE%
LE% %ARTIST% %ALBUM% Words by %WORDS% Music by %MUSIC% Words & M
by %WORDSMUSIC% Copyright %COPYRIGHT%6 5All Rights Reserved - International Copyright Secured Page %N%/%P%
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