instruments are standard tuning.$
b was created using the following software: Guitar Pro 5.2 Amazing Slow Downer 3.2.3 2
ab has NOT been optimised to be played back0 /with RSE - if you use RSE you may need to tweak8 7the
me levels etc. to suit your own
ware/taste. Update His
, +===========================================# "---------------------------------- [ 10th October 200
"---------------------------------- * Tab com
d # "---------------------------------- [ 11th October 2009 ]# "------------------------------
4 3* Minor corrections involving tied
and chord diagrams : 9* Hid the tab view for instruments other than the guitars # "--------
--------------------- [ 21st October 200
"---------------------------------- 4 3* Removed
cessary mix tables which were c
and pasted , +=========================================== Ð All the fac-es on the pho-to-
s have changed To not con-fuse it all the names re-m-ain the same Should I wait or let the past just f
Whis-pers are vei-ld Whis-pers a-re vei-ld Should you try to re-al-ig-n some da-y you may find
there was no-thin' a-n-y-wa-y Is it me or did we all get bo-rn in-sa-n-e? Play-in' the ga-me play-in' th-e ga-me I'
r-in' through the ho-le I've been dig-ging through the d-i-r-t Try-in' to save the small yes-ter-da-ys