mail me at with questions, comments and corrections!"
tle figure is played by the main guitar all the way 5 4through the song (except for the Chorus, of
se).9 8The first hammer on "0
s very fast and isn't always played.5 4The note "(2)" sounds when switching to the E chord
0x].A @**************************************************************** I see the an
run past me! You know me better than the wind mmm mmm Let me open the door for you You m
see the sun mmm mmm Your little mama and your papa They'll sing lullabies for you ooh oo
And the seals are singing " !jaga-daga-da-gada-gadaga-dam-bada Coconut trees are swinging %
daga-da-gada-gadaga-dam-bada-ah & %The reasons for this fight's forgiven Yet we still don't wan
lose mmm mmm. -But kid, don't tell me that you're frightened) (This war begun long before you were born
ooh ooh
e gods are denying " !jaga-daga-da-gada-gadaga-dam-bada When the wind's not lying % $jaga-daga-da-gad
aga-dam-bada-ah ooh ooh ... d Ò
Words by %WORDS%
Music by %MUSIC%
Words & Music by %WORDSMUSIC%
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