inal Version = Misterioso (temp. 100)
ore was adecuated from original play score to the movie score. 5 4We couldn't make to put bot
ics in the score so 4 3you'll have to choose wich one you're gonna see in 6 5the score in the "Lyri
indow, the Sweeney Todd's 9 8Lyrics are in the "Line 1" and Mrs. Lovett's are in the ; :"Line
hey are inside this [ ] so if you want to read 9
ou only have to erase the [ ] from the lyrics and that is all. - [Sweeney Todd] [Starts
e 5th compas] [These are my friends. See how they glis-ten. See this one shine, How he smiles in t
ght, My friend My faith-ful friend. Speak to me, friend. Whis-per, I'll lis-ten. I know, I kn
You've been locked out of sight all these years, like me, my friend. Well, I've come home to find you wa
g Home, and we're to-geth-er And we'll do won-ders Won't we? You there, my friend. Come, let me
you. Now, with a sight, you g
arm in my hand, My friend, My cle-ver friend. Rest now, my friends. Soon I'll un-fold you, Soon you'll
splen-dors you nev-er have dreamed all your days, My luck-y friends. Till now your shine was mere-l
-ver. Friends, you shall drip ru-bies You'll soon drip pre-cious ru-bies...], Õ [Mrs. Lovett] [Starts in the 44th
as] [I'm your friend too, Mi
Todd If you on-ly knew, Mis-ter Todd. Ooh, Mis-ter Todd, you're warm in my hand. You've come home. Al-ways
fond-ness for you, I did. Nev-er you fear, Mis-ter Todd. You can move in here, Mis-ter Todd. Sple
s you nev-er have dreamed all your days will be yours. I'm your friend, and you're mine! Don't they shine be
-ful! Sil-ver's good e-nough for me, Mis-ter T.] Ø
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