ars are tuned down to drop B
ng would've taken me much less time to tab out : 9if it weren't so boring to tab. Lately I've been tab
9 8out songs that I can't stop listening to. Wasn't really 8 7hard to tab out at all. Didn't
to slow it down or 5 4look up live videos to see how they do it. The only 8 7thing I have to say is if y
efer to use MIDI then 5 4you might want to adjust a couple volume knobs here and there. Enjoy! Z
damn d
damn you're so dull still need to bor-row your hate change what they can per-suade us back
r co-ver oh old you're so o-ver who made you king of the a-ges tend-ing the wounds think-ing of add-ing a-no-t
but the CHO-SEN ne-ver wrong he sat HOLD-ING seve-ral thoughts I'll take A-NY thing that's no
-ted down bol-ted down tri tri tri tri trick-ing us in don't get a-long if they're bro-thers so phas
it out cor-rect-ing vi-sions with fists
raw-ing a line still give it less than a week check-ing the wounds think-ing of add-ing a-no-
but the CHO-SEN ne-ver wrong he sat HOLD-ING seve-ral thoughts I'll take A-NY thing that's not bol-ted
bol-ted down free what's bol-ted down free what's bol-ted down free what's bol-ted down fr
at's bol-ted down THE CHO-SEN ne-ver wrong he sat HOLD-ING seve-ral thoughts I'll take A-NY
g that's
ol-ted down he was CHO-SEN ne-ver wrong he sat HOLD-ING seve-ral thoughts I'll take A-NY thing th
not bol-ted down bol-ted down d êî üôðíí Ø
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