1. Some versions of the song have the G5 chord fingered (in the verse and chorus parts) with the 3d fret, 6th string being fretted, the 5th string dampened, and the 3rd and 4th strings played open. I didn't tab it that way (see meas. 5) because it sounds wrong (to me) and the alternate fingering here is an easier and equally accurate way to play the very same chord.
2. The harmonized lead guitars in the opening and pre-choruses are all arranged for two guitars, although (I suppose) they can be played in double stops on one guitar.
3. The recorded version of the song plays out at 4:47, including two or three seconds of dead time. On my machine, this tab plays out at 4:43.
4. As usual, please tell me if you spot any mistakes, or have any suggestions for improvement, so I can correct and re-submit the tab.
5. In particular, if someone knows how to do credible string scraping (see my humble attempt at meas. 44 to 46), please tell me how.
6. Also, look at the Outro Solo (1st Break), at measure 71, staff 2, and the first and second full bends in particular. The extant tab scores (all two of them) have it tabbed with the first (whole) bend held over the first 1/8 and 1/16 notes, released a half step on the third 1/16 note -- held for an eighth note (across 2 1/6 notes), and then bent up a whole step. When I entered the same values and bends into the PTA, the measure sounded horrible, and certainly nothing like the recorded version. What I heard on the recorded version was a series of double stop bends (ala Lynyrd Skynyrd in 'Gimme Three Steps,' 'Saturday Night Special,' or the Outro solo to "On the Hunt"), where the lower string is bent and the higher string is picked while the bend is held -- and that is precisely what I tabbed. And, it sounds right to me.
7. At measures 85 and 86 (staff 2), C.S. treble picked the 1st and 2d strings chromatically sliding up the neck from the 3d fret to the 15th fret. I used the position slide, rather than a legato slide, because it sounded smoother. The part is represented elsewhere as a legato slide. 1. Please indulge your lenience on the base score. There was (and is) no written tab or notation for it (as far as I know). It was just me and the record for a few hours. Some of the bass parts were mixed low and in the background, so I'm not sure I got everything, or that everything I got is correct.
2. The function of the bass in this song is to play pedal point under the chord progression(s). So, for example, whenever the chord progression plays E5, G5, A, the bass plays the chord roots, E, G, and A, or at least, starts on those notes. This function becomes more prevalent during the Outro Solo (2d Break) (at rehearsal sign [K] to the end), where the bass essentially takes over from the rhythm guitar in defining the chord progression.
3. There are some places where the bass is so quiet that I wonder if it is playing at all. Take for example the Intro, at measures 5-7. In the recorded version, the bass is either not playing at all or is playing very low in the mix, and only becomes audible in measure 8. Out of an abundance of caution (rather than writing it as measure after measure of whole rests), I included the bass part that is audible during the analogous portions (verses and chorus), but just turned the volume way down.