Gtr. #1, 2, 3 & 4 = Guitars downtuned 5 half steps(= B, E, A, D, F#, B).
Gtr. #5 = Keyboard arranged for 6-string guitar(B, E, A, D, F#, B).
Everything in the guitar/keyboard-score should be accurate. The bad production makes it pretty hard to hear what's going on, but hopefully we nailed all of it! :)
Gtr. #1 = 4-string bass, downtuned 5 half steps(= B, E, A, D).
It's almost impossible to hear what Ola plays in this song because of the lousy production. Especially when the standard-type-death/thrash- riffs-a lá-HBG-death metal is present. But he probably uses the wellknow "copy the guitar"-trick and fills out with some own rhythms and stuff when the melodic twinguitar-stuff comes along.
All the notes are right(as far as I can tell), and the rhythms should be correct too... close enough to be playable anyway! :)