I'm not too sure, I haven't paid too much attention to Duane either time I've seen him play - always over the other side of the stage - so there might be a few things off, especially hand pos'n. I'm not even sure if this is dropped D - I'm just going with that coz most tomahawk stuff is.
He's quite a player, and really amazing with chords (classical guitar degree...) so it's quite possible that he can simultaneously play what I've transcribed as being two guitars during the chorus.
He's got a helluva lot of pedals, and uses them liberally, but I guess the important bit is that the verse sounds really dry without the tremolo effect...
This is the most explicit use of a line6 delay I've ever heard - during the verse, play a note, then add delay a second later...
Use a pick and use distortion during the chorus for added authenticity.
The bend at the end is done with a digitech whammy effect pedal, not extreme amounts of fingerstrength.