Guitar Tuned To Open D
(D A D F# A D)
Adapted from the following "official" tablature.
Although I used two guitars, it's for midi purposes only. There is only one guitar in the song.
Measure 21 - actually a pinched harmonic. Let the attack normal, but lift your finger slightly from the string to get slight fret buzz. Guitar I = Violin in standard violin tuning (GDAE)
Guitar II = Viola in standard viola tuning (CGDA)
Guitar III = Cello in standard cello tuning (CGDA [8vb])
To play the powerchords, simply finger the chord and drag the bow as a double stop over BOTH of them. (I'm sure you knew that)
All hammer-ons and pull-offs are to be played as slurs.
Measure 62 in violin score: Impossible to play, it is either overdubbed or the violin is using an octaver and played on the lower strings.