Gt1: I'm not 100% sure of the notes marked fff X. I don't think they're completely muted, but I cant clearly make out what the pitch. The thing is, they aren't sustained. Try a slide down from an F.
For the other bits, just make noise - but don't drown out the vocals! King buzzo has all kinds of nifty equipment, but experiment with scratches, using a slide, pressing the strings to touch the pickups, and lots of delay!
Gt 2 is obviously somewhat unplayable as written, but the point is that these are the chords, so work with what you can. You can use a pitchshifter and delay to set up the high F, and play the lower part as written. Otherwise, split the job into two, or Some songs just have the bass playing the roots of the chords. Some songs don't even let you do that. This is one of those.
As with guitar 1, I'm not clear what the fff: XXXX notes are. Probably a slide from F.
If in a band with no keys, I suppose it's your job to keep the low cello note going...