Gtr. #1 = Tenor Saxophone arranged for guitar (standard tuned).
Gtr. #2 = Akai EWI arranged for guitar (standard tuned).
Gtr. #3 = Trumpet arranged for guitar (standard tuned).
Gtr. #4 = El. Guitar (standard tuned).
Gtr. #5 = Keyboard arranged for guitar (standard tuned).
During some parts/measures i've been forced to tab two(/three, at one or two occasions) harmonies in one staff because of lacking space (this goes for the "bass score" too). But i hope that you can live with that! :)
Great track from the classic fusion-album, "The Return of the Brecker Brothers". Enjoy! Gtr. #1 = 5-string el. bass (standard tuned).
Gtr. #2 = Keyboard arranged for guitar (standard tuned).
There's supposed to be a piccolo bass in this score too, but since the limit in PTE is seven instruments, it just had to go (it doesn't play any big part in this song anyway, so i figured this was the best way to get rid of the problem!). The low C that appears in the last four measures of the bass score isn't played on the bass, but since i transcribed the keyboard on a 6-string guitar, i solved it this way.
Due to the lack of instruments in PTE, i haven't been able to change the sound of the bass-patch when Armand is using his slap-technique. But to make it clear for you where/when he's using it, here's a little guide for you:
Measures where the slap-technique appears:
39-54 ("Theme #2")
76-83 ("Sax Solo - Pt. III")
92-107 ("Theme #2 - Revisited #1")
109-125 ("Trumpet Solo")
126-141 ("Theme #2 - Revisited #2")
142-157 ("Outro (Guitar Solo)")
Also, the rhythm figure that the keyboard plays during the "Trumpet Solo", should be played on a guitar, with a "clean" sound. But since PTE has a limit of seven instruments, this was the only solution i could come up with.... you'll have to live with that! :)
Great track from the classic fusion-album, "The Return of the Brecker Brothers". Enjoy!