Guitar score transcribed by [one];
Keyboards by Mortem_non_superbire and Phillipe Vioux
Comments from mortem_non_superbire:
Most of the pre-solo stuff is really obvious, bascially copying the guitar parts. I tried to copy the keyboard voices as they sound on the album, but it could still be better. If you have any ideas for other sounds, e-mail me.
In the four measures before section D, I'm absolutely sure that's what Janne plays, I've seen it live in concert as well as used a bad headphones that made the guitar really soft so the keyboards really stood out.
For the first keyboard solo: Janne uses the vibrato wheel on the side of his keyboard, so I tried to mimic the sound with slides since I couldn't figure it out with whammy. The last note of the keyboard solo actually carries over into the next guitar solo, so instead of adding an extra staff, I just stuck it in the upper melody of the guitar solo.
Second keyboard solo: This transcription, I think turned out much better than the first keyboard solo, I tried my best with the fingering, but I really couldn't get a good one for measure 108. If you come up with one, e-mail me.
I chose the best tones I could for the solos/verse but it still doesn't sound completely right to me in places. If you have a better suggestion please tell me. Thanks. Comments from mortem_non_superbire:
No bass yet, but I may add later. For the most parts it's pretty easy; it just follows the root of the guitar.