OK! because the song is SO fast. 200 very fast... in the solos with 16ths AT 200, hammer ons and such dont really matter, once you can play 16ths ::picking:: for the whole song, with string crossings ...
BASICALLY just play it however YOU can while getting the notes.
its a fast song
Guitar with 24 frets is helpful -really helpful-
tremolo bar is helpful -but doesnt hinder playability of the piece, only stylistic things-
WHAMMY pedal. again, doesnt hold you back, BUT its pretty neat.
To be able to hold the steady 16ths at 200 for most of the song.
To be able to get desired pitches with Artificial Harmonics (A.H.)
(To be able to DO
To be able to Vibrate like crazy with the Tremolo bar (while doing other stuff too)
Tapping/Trilling... with your finger... AND with the pick
Using a WHAMMY pedal (while tapping)
Learn to tap haha
AND PLAY 16ths at 200!!!!!!!!!!!!
... is it humanly possible!!!!!!!!!?