Guitar 1 is in a "Joni" tuning D75255 or DADEAD with Capo 7
Most of Joni's songs are in alternate tunings, which makes them quite a pain to play if you just want to jump from song to song on the same guitar unless you have a synth guitar that you can change the tunings very quickly with. But the tuning's she chooses definitely makes the song much easier to play and I highly recommend using them. All the chord shapes are relative to the capo on guitar 1 and they only reflect where to place your fingers. This song doesn't work well strummed, with these chords that is.
Although I typed this song into PowerTab myself and made chordshapes, rehearsal signs, etc..., I credit the transcription to Jared White, whose ASCII Tab I found while browsing the web
Also, this MIDI sounds better when only one guitar is playing, or at least it does on my comp, so please, uncheck one of the guitar-ins before complaining about sound quality. Just as an alternative, I added a Guitar 2 line which has virtually identical notes, but in standard tuning. Note that I offset it -2 so it looks the same as guitar 1. Feel free to change it back if you prefer to read the notation, but I offset it so the key signature wouldn't look wrong. The 974xxx in the chorus section is almost an impossible reach for me, personally, but I left it in to keep the correct notes. You can get a similar sound with a x746xx. The only place any notes are actually changed is the last chord. I made it a barre chord to get that F# in there but it can just be played as a regular Em 022000, and still sound good.