Since this song has about 8 guitars going at once it was incredibly hard to fit everything into a powertab, but somehow I managed to do it...I tried to make it as organized as possible. The guitar score has 4 guitars transcribed to it (both acoustic guitars, and overdriven guitar, and a distortion guitar) and the bass score has three (two overdriven guitars and a distortion guitar)
Any acoustic chords, such as in the beginning of the song and in the verse, are in the guitar score (Gtrs 1 and 4) while all of the heavy distorted chords such as in the "chorus / main theme" are in the bass score (Gtr. 2).
The E# and A# that are played in the first measure and continue throughout the entire song (with some variations) are transcribed as one guitar in the bass score (Gtr. 1) even though it's most likely played on two.
The riff with all of the slides thats played over the 1st distorted chorus is transcribed in the bass score as Guitar 3.
Guitar 3 in the guitar score, and Guitar 2 in the bass score play the harmonized riff with the volume swells on and off through the whole song. Eventually I had to make room for the distorted guitar, so Guitar 2 starts playing the chords at measure 31 in the bass score and Guitar 3 in the guitar score starts playing both harmonized guitar parts...
The left channel guitar that comes in at about 1:12 is transribed in the guitar score as guitar 2
I guess that's about it - enjoy the tab! Disillusion rocks \m/