Changes on this tab.
- The basic layout for this tab has not been changed
from the first tab meaning, notes have only been
Guitar 1 - Has been totally remade. Rythm has been
adjusted and alot of bad notes changed to fit the song.
I have also added the rythm guitar riffs (22-24) etc.
Solo has also been added but i made it more as
an eye candy, although its correct from (60-73). As an
alternative way of playing (2-5), i show you my way of
playing it since it demands a bit more speed and gives
you faster downstroke picking.
Guitar 2 - This is a dual layer to Guitar 1 meaning, i had
to remake it too. Its basically a copy of Guitar 1, only
difference is chorus (45-47).
Bass - The only thing correct about the bass was the
rythm. The rest was all wrong unfortunetly. Oh, the
chorus effect on the bass is only to give it more fill.
Drums - They remain untouched since its far from my
area of expertise.