The pAper chAse Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-3 of 3 results
The Paper Chase was an experimental rock band from Dallas, Texas (formed in 1998), disbanded in 2010. Since their inception, The Paper Chase (sometimes spelled "the pAper chAse") has produced a combination of discordant melody and jagged noise pop. The band consists of ringleader vocalist and guitarist John Congleton and piano and synthesizer guru Sean Kirkpatrick, with a heavy rhythm section of Bobby Weaver on bass and Jason Garner on the drum kit.
Genre: Experimental, Indie Rock, Indie, Noise Rock, Rock
Genre: Experimental, Indie Rock, Indie, Noise Rock, Rock
When And If The Big One Hits Ill Just Meet You There : The pAper chAse
Views: 214
Album: Young Bodies Heal Quickly, You Know