OneSideZero Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-10 of 19 results
Onesidezero is an American Rock/Nu-metal band from Los Angeles. Their songs are often very dark, with deep lyrics, and slow bass lines. They have released two studio albums so far, Is This Room Getting Smaller (2001) and Onesidezero (2007) Formed in 1997, the band recorded several demos before being signed by Maverick Records. Their first full length album Is This Room Getting Smaller was released on November 20, 2001. The band toured for three years alongside Incubus, 311, Static-X, Soulfly, SOiL, and many more, including a live performance on HBO's Reverb with Linkin Park.
Genre: Alternative Rock, Rock, Hard Rock, Nu Metal, Metal
Genre: Alternative Rock, Rock, Hard Rock, Nu Metal, Metal