In Extremo Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-10 of 50 results
In Extremo is one of the most famous folk metal bands, originating from Berlin, Germany in 1995. The band's musical style combines heavy metal with medieval traditional songs, blending the sound of the standard metal instruments with traditional instruments such as the bagpipes, harp, hurdy-gurdy and shawm. Versions of well-known traditional/medieval ballads make up the main part of their repertoire, though over the years the band has also begun to write some original material using the German language. \
Genre: Folk Metal, German, Medieval, Metal, Mittelalter
Genre: Folk Metal, German, Medieval, Metal, Mittelalter
Spielmannsfluch : In Extremo
Tracks: 6
Views: 3,035
Song Author: iNSoMNiA666
Album: Verehrt Angespien
Album: Verehrt Angespien
Spielmannsfluch : In Extremo
Tracks: 6
Views: 1,510
Song Author: The_SicknesS
Album: Verehrt und Angespien
Album: Verehrt und Angespien
Krummavisur : In Extremo
Tracks: 5
Views: 1,251
Song Author: Ace_azzameen_13
Album: S nder Ohne Z gel
Album: S nder Ohne Z gel
Herr Mannelig : In Extremo
Tracks: 8
Views: 436
Song Author: In Extremo
Album: Verehrt und Angespien
Album: Verehrt und Angespien
V Nner Och Fr Nde : In Extremo
Tracks: 6
Views: 373
Song Author: In Extremo
Album: Verehrt und Angespien
Album: Verehrt und Angespien