Debout sur le zinc Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-1 of 1 results
Debout Sur Le Zinc is a French music band. After their first 1999 self-titled album, their subsequent album L’homme à tue-tête released in May, 2001 gained them media acclaim and public popularity. By the time their 2004 album Des singes et les moutons enhanced their repertoire, they were selling out venues such as La Cigale and touring internationally. Songs from their latest album Les Promesses were featured in their first concert at the oldest music hall in Paris, the Olympia, where they played to a full house on May 16, 2006.
Genre: Chanson Francaise, French, Nouvelle Scene Francaise, Chanson, Folk
Genre: Chanson Francaise, French, Nouvelle Scene Francaise, Chanson, Folk